Halloween Parade 2024

Halloween Parade 2024

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors and team of volunteers!

We would love to hear from our community! Please take a minute to fill out the online form:


Army of the Dead (Parade Committee)

Neal H. Patel
“Satan’s Secretary”
Executive Producer, Staging Lead, Parade Marshall

Blair Garland
“Mother of Perdition”
Staging Lead, Parade Marshall

Brad Montoya
“Dead Joe”
Head of Security, 4-Star Joeneral

Chris DiGillio
“Minister of Dark Parties”
After Party Co-Lead & TPM Site Co-Lead, Staging Lead, Parade Marshall

Cyra Jane
“Lord of Chaos”
After Party Co-Lead & TPM Site Co-Lead, Workshop Lead

Essa Baird
“Vampire Moth”
Pre-Party Lead, Side Rail Site Lead

Sam Furnas
“It’s my birthday!”
Bloom Bistro Site Lead, Social Media Director

Virginia Wright
“3 Cockatoos in a Trenchoat”
Registration Lead, Finance Lead

The Deadicated Joes
The Vanguard of the Army of the Dead
Debbie Montoya
Erin Kennedy
Omar De Los Santos
Truce Montoya
Todd Montoya
Ron Lindberg
Sebastion Guerrero


Fairy Queen Lolly
Olivia Mutant John

Dragon Wranglers

Matt Gates
Kyle Mayfield
Alysa Mayfield

Halloween Parade
photo: Espressobuzz

Parade Benefactors:

Champion Party Supply (https://www.championparty.com)
City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (https://seattle.gov/neighborhoods)
The Beez Kneez Artistry (https://www.thebeezkneezartistry.com)
The Georgetown Morgue (https://seattlehaunts.com/)

Parade Sponsors:

Georgetown Brewing Company (https://georgetownbeer.com/)
The Stranger (https://www.thestranger.com/)
Seattle Jiu Jitsu Academy (https://www.seattlejiujitsuacademy.com/)
Seattle Cider Company (https://www.seattlecidercompany.com/)
Singer Wealth Management (https://singerwealthmanagement.com/)
Denominator LLC

Trailer Park Mall Volunteers

2024 sponsors


Thank You:

All City Coffee
Amber Nichol and Raymond Street
Bennett Properties
Bloom Bistro
Businesses along Airport Way S and 12th Ave S
City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
City of Seattle Office of Special Events
Corey and the Tribe
Debra Johnson
Equinox Studios
Fogue Studios
Friends of Georgetown History
Georgetown Business Association
Georgetown Community Council
Heather Carney
Hollow Earth Radio
La Dele Sines
Lucile House
Marisa Figueroa
Maruta Shoten
Matcha Man Taiyaki
Mini Mart City Park
Neighbors on S Warsaw St, Carleton Ave S, S Eddy St., and Ellis Ave S
Peter Seguros
Post Pike
Rafi Farazi
Rosario Medina
Scott and Deanna Kolling
Sam Farrazaino
Seattle Police Department
Seattle ReCreative
Side Rail Collective
SKB Properties
Star Brass Works
The Montoya Family
The Patel Family
The Residents of Georgetown
The Trailer Park Mall
The Viking Surfers
Victoria Champion
Watershed Community Development Authority

Thank you to our Parade Participants

Black Jar Follies http://blackjarfollies.com/
Chaotic Noise Marching Corps and HONK! Fest West http://chaoticnoise.com/ https://honkfestwest.org/
Cordelia Specifically
Dykes on Bikes https://www.dykesonbikesseattle.org/
Eric Vanburen
Fairy Apothecary/ Fae Productions https://www.fairyapothecary1.com/
Katie Phoenix and Richard Lemmert
Lukas Litzsinger
Maria Callahan
Mylinda Sneed
Salamandir & the Ganesha Art Car
Seattle Drum School https://seattledrumschool.com/
Seattle Jiu-Jitsu Academy https://www.seattlejiujitsuacademy.com/
Shambhavi Adhikari
Shannon Kringen
Shawna Vesta
The Satanic Temple of Washington https://www.satanictemplewashington.com/
West Cascade Puppet Brigade https://www.facebook.com/PuppetBrigade/

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